56 Industrial Park Rd Suite 1&2 Saco, Maine 04072   (207)294-7458         124 Canal St. Suite B. Lewiston, Maine 04240    (207)795-0672
The Mission at Support Solutions is to inspire and support a culture of possibilities!

Residential Services

Support Solutions offers a variety of residential service options based on the needs and personal circumstances of each individual. Services are designed to provide the most independent and life enriching conditions possible. Emphasis is placed on supporting individuals in a manner that promotes increased independence, while being sensitive to health and safety considerations. Services are provided as needed, from a few hours a day to full-time care. Residential services are available in a variety of forms.

Personal Supports are designed for individuals who need support for a few hours a day. Individuals live in their own home by themselves or with a housemate. Staff support is available as needed.

Shared living services involve matching a person seeking support with a person or family (provider) who wishes to open their home to that individual. The provider is responsible for providing a safe, friendly and supportive living and learning environment. 

Full residential services are available for individuals who need support all the time and are usually offered in homes provided by Support Solutions. Emphasis is placed on attaining a quality of life that includes physical well-being, self-expression, and the experience of joy. Support is provided by staff who come into the home on a rotating basis. Individuals typically spend their days away from home in school, day program or working.

Day Habilitative Services

Day habilitation services are designed to assist individuals in acquiring the skills and self-confidence necessary to live independent and fulfilling lives. Support Solutions offers this service through its Creative Trails program.

Creative Trails is an adult day habilitation program that offers a unique, refreshing and innovative approach that provides individuals with the opportunity to find meaning, fulfillment, and recognition in their lives. Creative Trails incorporates self-expression, experiential education, physical development, and connectedness with the community so that each person involved experiences life as an active, inspiring member of society. Creative Trails is more than a day program; this is a movement! 

Creative Trails is composed of three unique areas, each allowing planned opportunities for community integration, supportive employment, and self motivation and adheres to sensory, motor and psychological needs all while engaging the participant.

CREATE provides enriching artistic and cultural experiences that emphasize ability over disability. CREATE collaborates with over 20 professional artists in exploring different realms of self-expression. The workshops support participants in learning the techniques of various media. Participants can retain their works for their own enjoyment or offer them for sale in our offices, public galleries or over the internet (see the Gallery).

TRAILS offers safe, outstanding programs for the adventurous spirit. The program builds physical fitness, self-esteem, trusting relationships, and independence. People in TRAILS can choose to go on nature walks, learn yoga, go canoeing 

CULTIVATE engages individuals in challenging, exciting endeavors in the areas of gardening, farming, care of large and small animals, and horsemanship. CULTIVATE focuses on skill building, peer interaction, community integration, socialization, physical wellbeing, self esteem and fun in the rural beauty of Maine.

YUM!  provides pre-vocational, community-based, culinary arts experiences. The program aims to create a learning environment that will facilitate and nurture the expansion and discovery of culinary skill-sets, as well as an increased cultural, community and environmental awareness. Organic Cooking, Baking, Cultural Investigations, Entrepreneurial Adventures...